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7 Halloween Hacks to Save Money

Halloween is coming – and so are the scary costs of joining the fun! Yes, all that spookiness comes with a frightening price tag.

Halloween events were anticipated by 69% of Americans in 2022, up from 65% in 2021, based on NRF statistics. According to estimates, American consumers intended to spend $10.6 billion on Halloween. The average American will spend $169 on Halloween costs this year.

Ready to save big? Read on for 7 awesome Halloween hacks.

1. Is that real ketchup?

Make your own fake blood with this quickie recipe:

  • 4 cups corn syrup
  • Red food coloring
  • Blue food coloring

Pour the syrup into a large bowl and start adding the red food coloring a few drops at a time. Stir with a whisk until you reach your desired consistency. To darken, add a few drops of blue food coloring while continuing to stir.

2. Whose hand is floating in the punch bowl?

For a super-scary addition to your Halloween party, fill a rubber glove with water and seal it shut. Stick it in the freezer and soon you’ll have an iced severed hand to drop into the punch bowl and freak your guests out.

3. Stick ’em up!

This Halloween, go as a stick person! Dress in black from head to toe. Use white masking tape to add lines to your legs, arms and torso. Put some lines in the back, too. For a full-body costume, take a paper plate and paint it black. Use your tape to draw a stick-face on the plate and glue a Popsicle stick onto the bottom so you can hold it up.

4. Is that a witch sticking out of your plant?

Take two pool noodles and stuff them into a pair of striped leggings. Top it off with black witchy-looking shoes and you have yourself a pair of witch legs! Stick them upside down in a plant, or make them look like they’re coming out of your garbage can.

5. Shop candy for trick or treaters in bulk at a warehouse clubs. 

Let’s use Sam’s Club or Costco as some examples. Most of the time they have better price points vs a regular grocery store.

6. Shop in thrift stores.

Shop at surplus or thrift stores to get low-cost costume and decor supplies. Most stores have a section dedicated to Halloween costumes.

7. Anyone care for some fresh worms?

Drip a bit of black food coloring into boiling pasta and it will instantly turn your dinner into a dark, gross-looking creation. Drain your pasta as usual and then bring it out to the table, asking if anyone would like some delicious hot worms for dinner.

Have fun this Halloween season and happy hacking. 

Scared of Halloween scams? Read here to stay safe.

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