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Zing CU Named the 50th Healthiest Credit Union in the U.S.

Zing Credit Union is proud to announce that it has been ranked among the nation’s 200 healthiest credit unions by

The Birmingham, Alabama-based site, which tracks banks and credit union account interest rates nationwide, ranked Zing Credit union 50th in its second annual listing of the healthiest banks and credit unions.  The rankings are based on an institution’s level of problem loans, improvement in those levels, deposit growth and capital reserves.

Zing began in 1934 when ten employees of the City of Denver established ownership and began providing financial services.  Since then, the credit union has grown to $269 million in assets and its net worth ratio increased 14% in 2014. gave Zing A+ rankings for a strong balance sheet, deposit growth and an excellent capitalization level.

“This type of ranking by an independent third-party helps when potential members are evaluating their options,” said Carla Hedrick, President of Zing Credit Union.  “It also gives our current members confidence in us.  Every day, we strive to provide the best possible service offerings for our members, and this ranking helps validate our efforts to be a healthy financial institution are working.”

Check out the entire list of healthiest credit unions.

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