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Understanding the Role of Collateral Protection Insurance (CPI)

Collateral Protection Insurance is coverage that protects against physical damage and protects the credit union’s interest in your vehicle (your loan’s collateral).

Your signed loan documents give Zing Credit Union the right to force-place CPI on your vehicle when coverage has lapsed.  To avoid CPI, it is important to inform your insurance provider to name Zing Credit Union as the “Loss Payee/Lienholder” on your policy.  To mail insurance verification, please use the following address:

Zing Credit Union
1075 Acoma St.
Denver, CO 80204

CPI is not a substitute for finding your own insurance.  It is often much more expensive than auto insurance you would find from typical providers.  CPI does not provide protection for third-party bodily harm or injury, or to other property.  CPI only protects the vehicle as the collateral of the loan. If you are in need of insurance or would like to shop around for a better deal, check out Trustage to get a free quote.

To provide proof of insurance, please visit any branch location.  If you received a letter about missing insurance or a lack of insurance coverage, you can provide proof of insurance electronically by visiting

If you would like to mail, email or fax your proof of insurance:

PO Box 692130
San Antonio, TX 78269-21

Email: [email protected]

Fraud Alert Zing CU will NEVER call you and ask you for your online banking login information, MFA codes, or other personal information. Do not share this info.